Kayma Englund

Kayma has fostered deep interest in the teachings of yoga, philosophy and subtle energy from a young age. With signs too clear to ignore that this was her calling she has devoted over 1,000 hours of organized training around the globe to study these ancient teachings and help make sense of the multidimensional nature of this human experience.

This ongoing, fascinating journey has brought Kayma to Southern California where she is passionate about holding an intelligent, supportive space for individuals to connect with themselves and their innate inner magic through group Yoga classes and specialized trainings and workshops in the subtle energetic realm. When not working or teaching she can be found at the beach, riding bikes, making art, rocking out and playing in her garden.

Articles by Kayma Englund:

The Yoga of Balance
We all have two sides physically, mentally and energetically. Physically, one side tends to be longer or bigger and more or less dominant. Mentally, our left...
Standing Balance Yoga Postures
Below are easy to follow guidelines to establish a safe and effective balancing practice paired with postures commonly found in any Yoga class. We will start with Tadasana, Mountain Pose as it serves as the blueprint needed to achieve balance physically, mentally and energetically.
How to choose a Yoga Studio
The influx of Yoga is across the globe is amazing as it continues to spreads powerful and positive ancient teachings, giving all keys to better health and a better life. With its boom, also comes the difficulty of choosing the right Yoga studio as the variety of yoga styles, teachers and methods are vast and often hard to navigate. Luckily, the ancient statement is true. There is a teacher for every student, and in turn a studio for every student. Maybe you are new to yoga, moved to a new location or simply want to make a shift to a studio that better suits your needs and goals. Here is an easy guide to follow as you begin or continue your yogic path.